Project X – Singapore
It has been a while since I’ve posted in this space. 2024 has been a rollercoaster ride and I’ve been struggling to set aside time to tick off things on my to-do list, but I’ve finally found a bit of time to write about something important and close to my heart. I’m...
Book Musings: How To Stay Married – Harrison Scott Key
Some Context I have the tendency to forget easily, like Dory from Finding Nero. If you asked me why I liked what I read last year, I’d tell you it’s the way the writing stirred some sort of emotion in me, instead of sharing any details of the book’s plot. If you...
Branding & Social Media (#RandomMusings and #LifeUpdate)
Why hello! It has been a while since I’ve been back in this space (thank you @ life for happening). This post is inspired by one of the many videos out there about quitting social media, specifically: It made me think about how I utilise...
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The COVID-19 Kerfuffle
People are UP IN ARMS over the below news: Understandably so. Communications from the government haven’t been the clearest. We’ve already experienced different shades of orange different phases, and confusing restrictions. Regulations would change suddenly, and at one...
Of Being Interviewed, Misunderstood, and Used
idn’t think I would write about this, but after speaking to some regulars to get their perspective, I thought it’d be best to clarify things here before people develop further misunderstandings about my opinion. I was recently interviewed for an article on Vice, you...
2021 Update: Year of Change
Hello to the old and new 🙂 This post only has one purpose: to update regulars and potential clients as to a major change in my life. You may or may not know that this line of work is not my “civie” life, which sees me both working and studying. THE BIG UPDATE: I...
Of Boobies & Titties
I didn’t expect to be speaking about my assets (although honestly, my ASS is literally my only ASSet if it can be considered to be one at all), but in light of several snarky and painful comments I received, I decided that writing this would be ideal before I receive...